Thursday, 20 July 2017

They say patience is a virtue but it isn't one of mine

Day 5 of the trip and day 3 in Sugarbush Harbour Marina in Port Colborne.  I was able to get in touch with the manufacturer of our drive leg in the UK at 5:30am our time on Wednesday morning and a new prop and 2 prop cones are on their way to us.  When I woke up this morning (Thursday) I was very happy to see this update on my phone from 4:28 am:

No automatic alt text available.

I have been impatiently hitting refresh for the past 7 hours but no updates yet.  If we can get the delivery today we should be able to set sail tomorrow.  If it is delayed until Friday then we may be stuck here another couple of days as a storm may be blowing in on the weekend.  Fingers crossed.

On the plus side Reg has been able to work full time for a few days which will allow him more time off in the coming weeks.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So much excitement in the first day! Can't wait to hear more of your adventures as you motor (and hopefully sail) along.

    My fingers are crossed too that you've cast off again!

    Bon Voyage. Leanne

  3. Great that you have the connection to get your propeller parts. Have you acquired a sim card for your phone when you get into the states?
