Monday, 24 July 2017

Long may your big jib draw

Wow whee, what a day!

Port Stanley to Erieau (near Rondeau Provincial Park) today.  Winds held steady around 20-25 knots with gusts as high 30.9 knots (56 km/hr for you Canadian landlubbers, 35 mph for the Americans).  We sailed with the jib only and averaged about 6 knots with a high of 7.67. 

Winch wench
The high winds used to make Reg very nervous but he has fallen in love with the idea of putting miles under our hulls without shelling out for diesel.

Next stop, Pelee Island.

1 comment:

  1. Wooohooooo!!! So exciting. Love the photos of you two fully into life at "sea". Such a different pace.
