Saturday, 9 June 2018


I've really been looking forward to this stop because Annapolis is a real sailing town.  The harbour is full of sailboats - I don't think I've seen that many since Lake Ontario in the 1990s - and the downtown full of sailing shops.  I'm sure Reg was nervous at home checking the credit card account to see what Sam and I were up to!

Annapolis is also home to a naval academy so there are fit young people in uniform all over the place. Unfortunately I didn't see this guy:

The civilian people watching was pretty good, too.  Annapolis appears to be *the* place for young heterosexual white couples to have professional photos taken.

Annapolis was my and Sam's first night without Reg and Riley.  I was happy to have the whole bed to myself but not so thrilled to be responsible for cooking! We are muddling along somehow and made a pretty decent stir fry for our first attempt.  More exciting things to come including a beef stew in the pressure cooker.

I include a photo not because it looks all that good but as proof  that we actually cooked.
Having only two of us on the boat has some distinct advantages.  We have so much more power with only one teenager using their computer. We also have so much more space as Riley’s berth was quickly converted into a storage room. Since we only have 2 kayaks onboard we didn't have to share and were able to have a good few hours for exploring the full length of Spa Creek. A house on the creek within walking distance of town and a sailboat on a mooring in the back would suit me just fine, thank you.

We were fortunate to arrive when we did because we got to watch the sailpast of boats heading to the start line for the Annapolis to Bermuda race.  It was particularly exciting because I know one of the participants from my Buccaneer days. Unfortunately my pictures from the day are nothing to write home about.

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